A new website, by Jove!

Just Imagine.jpeg

Accessing the old website could be cumbersome by modern standards

Never let it be said that the New Sheridan Club is over-hasty in adopting new technology, but I had been aware for some time that the old NSC website, which I cobbled together in Dreamweaver over 14 years ago, was not what they call “responsive”. It was designed on a desktop computer and intended to be viewed that way. If you tried looking at it on your telephone screen it was like looking at it on a desktop computer but from 30 feet away. Yet they tell us that young people increasingly probe the internet on their phones by preference. Moreover, two or three years ago Google announced that it would henceforth be down-ranking websites that were not mobile-optimised, so it was only a matter of time before I had to address the matter. (And I managed to get through 14 months of Covid lockdown thumb-twiddling before actually doing anything about it—a triumph of indolence, though I say so myself.)

In terms of what you can learn from it, this new site is much the same as the old one—much of content has simply been copied across—but it should present itself in a way that is much more accessible and engaging, especially on a tiny screen. If you do encounter any problems, such as broken links, missing or garbled text, widgets that don’t work, pictures that won’t load, etc., do let me know through the main email address on the Contact page.

And with that they were off, into the wide technological yonder. Tally ho!


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