If you are interested in joining the New Sheridan Club, or perhaps just coming along to a few events to see what it’s like, or if you simply want a chat with one of the hugely erudite and entertaining Committee members, then here is how to do it.
For general enquiries propel an electronic message to
The GPO has recently wired the Secretary’s village for the telephone and he may be contacted at this number. Remember to speak clearly.
07768 628788
The Club’s Facebook page is probably the centre of interaction outside of our physical events:
You can see archived videos of our live-streamed lectures (either from members' homes during lockdown or from the public talks in the Wheatsheaf pub in London where we traditionally meet on the first Wednesday of each month) on our YouTube channel.
This is relatively new
At our physical events there are usually a number of photographs taken. You will find these gathered together in albums on this Flickr account:
You can also communicate directly with the four Committee members, who are:
Chairman: Mr Torquil Arbuthnot mrarbuthnot@newsheridanclub.co.uk
Secretary and Treasurer: Mr Clayton Hartley mrhartley@newsheridanclub.co.uk
Duties also include event organisation, publicity, the Newsletter and this confounded website
Defence Secretary: Mr Artemis Scarheart mrscarheart@newsheridanclub.co.uk
Organises events, barks orders and puts the wind up our enemies
Eminence Gris: Mr Matthew Howard (sometimes known as “The Chairman”; this is because he is Chairman of the Witham Rowing Club and not, confusingly, of the New Sheridan Club) mrhoward@newsheridanclub.co.uk
Does this and that, including publicity and event organisation. Actually, no one really knows