Clubs, Forums and Resources
Third-party wheezes that may be of interest. While we make a half-hearted attempt to keep this page up to date, we can’t guarantee these links are 100% current and take no responsibility for content.

The Chap
The magazine that started it all.

The Sheridan Club
The “chat room” set up as an adjunct to The Chap and the original Sheridan Club's corporeal meetings. Although it became less frequented after the Facebook group page took off, it was sophisticatedly designed (although a bit buggy for some these days) and you could spend the rest of your life there and still never catch up with all the bon mots that have been lobbed about since its inception in October 2004. UPDATE 26/9/23: This site has stopped working altogether. We are trying to contact the webmaster, but in the meantime one of our members has set up a replacement: see https://sheridanclub.freeforums.net

The Institute for Alcoholic Experimentation
An outlet for some for the more monomaniacal drinks-focused reportage from the New Sheridan Club team (primarily the Club Secretary). As well as highlighting interesting products we also conduct group tests, comparisons and head-scratching experiments into the best booze choices and how best to serve them.

The Candlelight Club
A regular London-based cocktail club with a 1920s speakeasy theme, offering a menu of cocktails, fine dining options, plus dancing to live jazz bands, performances by dancers and cabaret artistes, as well as DJs spinning period platters. The venue is a secret, revealed to ticket holders only a couple of days before the event, and the place is lit entirely by candles. A side-hustle of our Club Secretary Mr Hartley. (Actually it’s his main job—running the NSC is the “charity work” that he doesn’t like to talk about.)

The Last Tuesday Sociey
Formerly a party brand as well as a curiosity shop, run by Viktor Wynd and Suzette Field, although the pair have gone their separate ways (see below). Last Tuesday parties continued to take place for a while, but as a franchise with the involvement of neither Viktor nor Suzette. Today the museum is Vikor’s main interest (where there is also an absinthe bar), and through that he runs a programme of events and talks about the weird and wonderful, the arcane and gothic, the louche and decadent. During the Covid-19 hiatus he’s been running live-streamed lectures and interviews.

A Curious Invitation
After the rift with Viktor Wynd (see above), Suzette has carried on her programme of decadent and rather gothic parties and balls under the A Curious Invitation brand (which is also the title of her book about famous parties in literature). This has been expanded into lectures on bohemian and historical topics and workshops, mostly about taxidermy.

The Fedora Lounge
Not unlike an American version of the Sheridan Club forum, but with a particular obsession with clothing (there's a clue in the name). Here folk will post photographs of some recently acquired collar bars or a hat creased in seven different ways, with no further explanation required.

An online magazine about, unsurprisingly, dandyism. Erudite, articulate, somewhat cynical and proudly opinionated.

Wonderland City
A blog and directory, describing itself as “dedicated to special places and events that maintain classic standards of beauty and civility. Places where a sense of theatre and ceremony endures, in contrast to the modern rage for casualness. Where a couple in evening dress would not clash with their surroundings; where tweed-suited chaps might enjoy a spot of lunch. The idea is: elegant people in elegant places; not just enjoying the atmosphere but also contributing to it.” It doesn’t expressly say that the city in question is London, but so far all the posts are about places and events there.

The Tweed Run
An annual mass bicycle rally, in London and elsewhere, where riders are encourage to dress in tweed and other vintage paraphernalia. Very popular with our Members.

The Tweed Cycling Club
Not connected with the Tweed Run, but possibly of interested to Tweed Runners. The Tweed CC was founded for those who wanted to cycle but didn’t want to do it in lycra. Hasn’t been updated in over ten years (and may have been creatively hacked, judging from the occasion incongruous plug for online casinos) but has resources that may still be of interest.

The Liverpolitan Tweed Run
Liverpool’s answer to the Tweed Run, still running after all these years (though 2020’s was a “virtual” event). Possibly associated with the Liverpool League of Gentlemen and Extraordinary Ladies (see below).

The Liverpool League of Gentlemen (and Extraordinary Ladies)
“A group for Steampunks, Flaneurs, Chaps, Pirates, Fae, Victorian Goths, Fops, Dandies, Teds, Judies, Reenactors and Ruritanians etc. Ladies and Gentleman who attend, or intend to attend eclectic gatherings in and around the Liverpool area.”

The Eccentric Club
A noble relaunching of the club that has had many guises since the 18th century, its emphasis sometimes literary, sometimes theatrical, but always celebrating the eccentric. There's quite a charitable element too.

Recently launched by the Marquis de Vouvray, the man behind www.theflaneur.co.uk (to which we used to link on this page, but which is recently defunct), this appears to be a drive to reawaken interest in Surrealism. Just as the founding of the original movement in 1924 was a response to the social and political landscape, so de Vouvray feels the current regrouping of certain oppressive forces calls for a similar response. The website and associated social media outlets are in their infancy but are already wilfully incomprehensible.

The Handlebar Club
The Handlebar Club has been going since 1947 and is for men with handlebar moustaches. At the site you'll find various moustache-related news and advice.

Dull Men’s Club
A suitably grey site. While NSC members won't share the DMC's desire to avoid excitement at all costs, this site does nevertheless dedicate itself to enjoying simple pleasures, “free from pressures to be 'in' or trendy”, something we can all appreciate. Here you can discover the joys of collecting sand or listening to a metronome, read an impressively thorough guide to the world's airport luggage carousels (with notes on which direction they turn) and tune in to a webcam that is watching a cheddar cheese mature. Not to be confused with Run DMC.

A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit-Down
As its name suggests, this site concerns itself with tea and biscuits and the joys of relaxing with them, with side ventures into cakes and pies. There is a Biscuit of the Week and important news (such as the axing of the plain chocolate hobnob). There was even a spin-off book.

Modern Drunkard Magazine
Website of a slick magazine that has been glorifying alcohol abuse for years . Aside from this it is not especially Chappist, though the imagery has a pleasingly Forties tone.

1920s Fashion and Music
An online resource that does what it says on the tin. A bit sprawling and ad-heavy but there are some interesting nuggets in there.

Home Front History
Slick historical resource for the wartime generation.

The London Lounge
Forum dedicated to sartorial elegance.

The White Tie Club
The White Tie Club “is a dining society which exists to further the use of full evening dress beyond the highest state balls and ambassadors’ receptions to which it has become consigned”.

The 1920s and 30s YouTube Channel
Run by a man named Stu who digitises musics and video content from this era. Mostly musical recordings with accompanying film clips.