For an outline of why you might want to join the Club and what you will get out of it, see the Membership Benefits page.
What it costs and how to join
There are three categories of Membership of the New Sheridan Club, based, in true gentleman’s club tradition, on how far away you live from the Club’s epicentre, which is London, England. The Club Regulations go into far more tedious detail about the definitions, but broadly speaking they are:
Town Membership
This is for those who live more or less in London (officially it’s within 50 miles of Nelson’s Column). It costs £17.50 a year.
Country Membership
This is for those types who reside in the sticks and can’t make it into Town so often. It costs £12.50 a year.
Overseas Membership
This is for those unfortunates who have to live somewhere foreign. We actually have many members whom we have never met face-to-face, living as they do on the other side of the planet, their connection with us solely through the pages of the magazine and social media. Perhaps you killed a man in a duel and must live out your days in a fly-blown souk. Perhaps you mounted an expedition into Borneo and are now torn between the freedom of your jungle paradise and your love for the woman you left behind in Hampstead. Perhaps your ancestor stole a handkerchief in desperation and was transported to the Antipodes, where today you eye the Motherland with a mixture of envy, resentment and pride. For you the fee is only £7.50 a year.
If you’d like to join, we’ll need a few details from you. Kindly fill in this online application form. (If you’d rather use a fountain pen than a keyboard you can download a version of the form and print it out, or you can simply email us with the salient details).
While you can pay your subs by cheque, in cash or by BACS bank transfer, the easiest way to cough up is by PayPal, to coffers@newsheridanclub.co.uk.
You can use this handy button:
If you don't want the bother of trying to remember to renew your subscription each year (or the humiliation of being horsewhipped in the street by the Club Secretary for letting it lapse), this even handier button will set up an automatic PayPal payment every twelve months (note that rates are a whole pound cheaper this way):
Needless to say, you can unsubscribe from these regular payments at any time.