Club is mathematically challenged

Many thanks to James Rigby for taking the helm at our March meeting and steering us into hitherto uncharted intellectual waters. His topic was Bernhard Riemann, the 19th-century mathematician, and specifically his famous hypothesis. This is something to do with Number Theory and is considered by many to be the most important unsolved problem in pure maths. Apparently it's a vital part of online encryption, so if anyone actually disproved it we'd all be in trouble.

Inevitably there were some casualties: as you can see below, Lord Hare was overwhelmed by cognitive stimulation and had to shut down his synapses as a protective measure. (I think this is the first time in 16 years that someone has actually fallen asleep in a talk, so clearly we haven't become dull and predictable yet.)

For those who weren't able to catch the live-stream (or those who did but frankly need another attempt at understanding it) I have uploaded an HD version to our YouTube channel. You can find it at


Essex’s hat-trick with salacious diaries


Devon, I’m in Devon