Coronation picnic

Thanks to Chez Hutchinson for organising this little get-together in Hyde Park on 7th May in honour of King Charles's enthronement. There was a good turn-out (see the group shots) and I would say that our group was easy enough to find from all the hats and the NSC flag hung from a tree, though at least one member managed to walk right past us. Star of the show was probably the red hammock that was slung between two trees and provided endless entertainment not just for the children in our group but also children from another group nearby. Sheridan children are certainly not shy and retiring, and spent a lot of time trying to steal the adults' hats. Eventually we sacrificed Tim to them, which kept them busy for a while. Plenty of Coronation Chicken was consumed. In fact our spread caught the eye (or probably nose) of a passing dog, who grabbed some food off a plate. Another highlight was the arrival of a mysterious Romanian lady wearing a cloak covered in pictures of Princess Diana, with tiara-shaped shoulder pieces. I had naively assumed she was just celebrating the coronation, but I quickly discovered she felt the whole thing was ruined by Camilla's presence. Apparently she had been parading around the previous day too and had accrued 1.4 million Tiktok hits in the process. All in all a day packed with variety. Much was eaten and drunk and a good time was had a by all (even the lady in the cloak who hung with us for a while).

You can see more photos from the event at


A feast of flâneurie


Portrait of a Queen Consort