Discussing the Circassians
Ridade in traditional Circassian costume
The speaker at our July meeting was Ridade Stardust. She is of Circassian descent and her subject was this little-known ethnic group, their history and traditions. Originally from the Caucasus, they were driven out by the Russians in 1864 and settled in various places including Jordan (where Ridade grew up) and Turkey. Ridade describes them as a spiritual people, though with traditions that contrast with the established Hebraic religions, and with an egalitarian culture in which men and woman have equal status—something that has caused friction with the Islamic cultures where the diaspora has settled. Many thanks to Ridade, who conducted her talk in traditional Circassian costume. You can see a video of the talk at youtu.be/ANZCB-msDjs and more photos from the evening at https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheridanclub/albums/72177720309618441.