Whither ‘Resign!’?

Eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that there was no issue of the club’s newsletter Resign! this month. This publication dates back to the beginning of the club: the first 12 issues were produced by Artemis Scarheart in Word, after which I took over. (In fact, I actually offered only to lay the magazine out using desktop published software Quark, to which I had access, but within a month or so I found myself having to produce the content too.) I tried to style the look of it on paper magazine design of the early to mid-20th century, even though the newsletter existed chiefly as a PDF. Now, 15 years and 173 issues later, I feel it is time for someone else to take the helm. I’m self-employed and devoting four or five days of unpaid work each month is quite a burden. Moreover, I actually think it would be healthy for the club if creative input came from more diverse sources, rather than just having everything broadcast from a central cabal—despite all the jokes about the Glorious Committee for Life and its iron grip.

For now there will instead be a monthly email, Parish Notices, from Artemis, really just filling in members on the last meeting, the next meeting, plus any important information. Of course if any member out there is willing to take on Resign!, either in its current format or some other, that would be grand. Failing that, however, one possibility is an editorial team or committee, with different people taking responsibility for different parts of the magazine—and the current idea is that Resign! might become a less frequent organ (perhaps three or four times a year), a sort of Proceedings of the New Sheridan Club, gathering together the essay versions of the talks plus other articles submitted by members. If you would be willing to be involved in some capacity please get in touch.


Club tie back in stock—order now!


Essex’s hat-trick with salacious diaries