Club channels its inner energies

The speaker for our June meeting was Ridade Stardust, and her subject was Healing With Love. Even though she had a slide presentation prepared with a number of video excerpts, on the night she chose not to show any of them and instead gave those present a series of exercises to do. These involved closing your eyes, breathing in a deep and measured way and then visualising elaborate sequences revolving around one's connection with the cosmos in a positive, reassuring and calm way. This is something of first for the NSC (although we did once have a talk on Pilates which involved an element of physical experimentation). Those attendees who turned up after the presentation had started were somewhat startled to find the room filled with silent Sheridanites with their eyes closed. Many thanks to Ridade: you can see a video of her talk at You can see photos from the evening in this album on Flickr.


Platty Jubes to all!


Club swells the ranks of Chappist flâneurie