Platty Jubes to all!

Jubilee picnic group shot

On Friday 3rd June, part of the weekend of public holidays in the UK to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (or “Platty Jubes”, which appears to be the official abbreviation), Chez Hutchinson kindly organised a Jubilee picnic for Club members and associated types. Brits have a soft spot for picnics, even though the reality usually involves wasps and/or rain, but on this occasion it couldn’t have been a more perfect day. We pitched camp in Regent’s Park (appropriately) and the weather was unblinkingly sunny but not too hot. We picnicked in style—note the Union Jack cake and the Coronation Chicken—and the children played cricket and climbed a tree (up until the park police came and told them it was against park bylaws). Many thanks to Chez for organising the event. You can see a few photos from the picnic in this album on Flickr.


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