Club comes of age—not
The speaker at our October meeting was Matthew Howard, continuing his “Lady Malvern Memorial Lectures”—a series of gleefully ill-informed travelogues—with The Joy of Essex, an irreverent look at both the county of Essex and our own Earl of Essex, the club member who has himself delivered more talks than anyone else, most of them in one way or another about Nazis. Skating close to the boundaries of good taste as ever, Matthew's trademark bathetic sight-gags are guaranteed to offend one and all. He also flagged up that this very meeting marked 18 years of the New Sheridan Club, which he illustrated with a look back at our history and some members who have come and gone. The talk was immediately followed by a group photo and the consumption of cake. You can see a video of his talk on our YouTube channel at and more still photos from the evening at
Taken in the same room, but about 20 years before the one at the top (we're not sure exactly when, but around 2003 or 2004)