Cyril saves the day

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Owing to work issues, our scheduled speaker for the June meeting—what should be the last of our purely online Club Nights before we return to the Wheatsheaf next month—had to pull out at the last minute. However, Cyril Browne heroically stepped into the breach with a talk on fly fishing. Like most people viewing, I have no particular interest in fishing, but I found the talk engaging, informative and easy to follow—a remarkable feat considering it was put together with about 24 hours notice. We learned about the types of fish targeted with fly fishing, the types of fly and what they are designed to simulate, the techniques involved and the essential active nature of this type of fishing—the fact that you are generally stalking a particular fish—as opposed to the more passive nature of coarse fishing. A video of the talk can be found on the New Sheridan Club YouTube channel.


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Sheridan types wanted for TV show